About me..

Greetings! I have decided that I am going to post about my life for now in hopes that I can branch of into better blogs. I will post in segments since I have a toddler and extensive amount of time in front of my laptop is a fairy-tale!

I was born May, 1989 in a small town called Thomasville located in southern Alabama. The details about my family are a bit intricate and I would like to post about those specifics later but just know that I was born in a very difficult situation and my mother did the best she could given her forced situation.

Life had fun moments as I grew up, I had two siblings to play with and although we were poor we had our vivid imaginations which usually led to many adventures and shenanigans! I did not really care that we didn’t have lots of toys or that during the winter we would live in the living room, blocking off the hallways with blankets and stayed there huddling near a single space heater. Instead, I had fun playing in the mud and raising our chickens. Running around like a wild heathen butt naked in the woods!

I was a very mischievous child and being the oldest I would always be pulling pranks on my siblings. I made my mother crazy on more occasions than I can count and I have no idea how she did not kill me! I know that I am not the only difficult child but I was very independent and strong-willed and that led to many issues between us.

I started 1st grade in 1995 and I clearly remember getting ready for my first day of school and being so excited to meet new people and make friends. My sister started Kindergarten but was in a different school than I so I would come home with outlandish stories about my school because mine was so much cooler than hers. Once I told her that my school had a flying machine that we each would fly in by ourselves and we could go where ever we wanted as long as we were back before P.E. ended. She believed me for the longest time and I felt so awesome because I was the oldest!

I loved my first grade teacher, and to this day I am grateful that she showed me how kind a teacher could be. In 1996, my county rezoned the school district and I was to attend a school located less than five miles from where I lived. I was so excited to start this new school, it wasn’t completed when we started that year and I remember eating lunch in the hallway since the cafeteria was still under construction.

Up until fourth grade, life was really uneventful. I was the odd kid in class who tried to fit in. Even in those early years I was picked on horribly since I could not afford all the cute accessories or clothing. Also, my mother dressed us conservatively and did buy us kids fashionable clothing so I was doomed to be the weirdo either way. I started acting out and would get into fights at school. My grades were dropping and I started stealing things that I thought were cool from my classmates since I wasn’t allowed to have them.

I caused so much trouble for myself back then that my mother started looking for alternative routes of education for us children. Between the three of us,   she was being called up to the school office everyday and she was tired of dealing with that. She started looking into homeschooling and attended a small homeschooling conference in Birmingham that year. Soon after my 4th year of public education she made the choice to home school us.

More to come!!